Monday, February 14, 2011

The Guest featuring an extended metaphor

The Guest by Camu is a prime example of existentialism. It presents many of the ideals of existentialists as well as many of the delimas that they face in their lives such as the decisions that they are going to make.  The decision that they ultimately choose is extremely important to the existentialists because they believe that you are essentially defined by the decisions that you make.  In The Guest Daru is faced with the decision of whether to allow the prisoner to escape or to do his duty to the Revolution and turn him over to the authorities. Without a higher power or moral beleif system to help him make this decision he is basically just doing what feels right and going with the flow.  He isnt writing these lyrics down ahead of time, hes freestyling it up, straight up going with the flow.  Hes no traditional singer that has the traditional systems to follow and the lyrics written down ahead of time by some other person.  He makes this decision by himself and it therefore shapes him and he is responsible for the consequences of this decision whatever it may be.  He decided to give the prisoner the chance to walk away and go free because this is what he feels is morally right in his mind, he would have had to face the consequences and take responsibilty for his actions to the other members of the french force but the prisoner follows this very existentialist rule and takes responsibility for his choice to kill his comrade and decides to go to prison.

Daru rejected the mens rule of law because the existentialists have their own morals which they decide themselves.  The actions that he took towards the prisoner, feeding him, unbinding him, and eventually letting him go free, define Daru as a morally honarable person in his mind and therefore he is honorable.

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