Monday, September 6, 2010

Willie Stark

During the All the Kings Men seminar discussion we discussed whether or not Willie Stark was a great man.  There were many sides to this question and they were very dependant on what your definition of greatness was.  I believe however that he was a very great man.  I believe that greatness is determined solely by the amount of success that you have in whatever it is that you do and Willie stark is definitely a very successful politition.  Some of the things that he did might not have been good based on our typical set of morals but he got a huge amount done while in office and he had lots of support from the people, even if they didn't know some of the stuff that went on behind the scenes.  He was an extremely successful politician that would have gone on much farther up the political ladder had he not been shot by Adam Stanton.  He always got the votes no matter what he had to do to get them and he made people respect him whether they really liked him or not that I believe is the mark of a great man.

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